Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Brand New Activity for our Middle School Students - Tchoukball

We have a brand new activity for our middle school students this year. The game is called Tchoukball. Can you take a guess at the pronunciation? The game is named after the noise that is made when the ball bounces off the net. We play this game with small sided teams to be sure there are more opportunities to catch and pass. The students work towards a mature pattern when they catch the ball. Our other goal is for students to work towards making the appropriate pass within the game based upon the movement concepts they are using. The goal of the game is to score a point by passing the ball to teammates, move across the court, and throw the ball off of the net. If the ball rebounds off the net and lands on the floor within the boundaries, your team has scored a point. If the opposing team can catch the ball before it hits the floor, the gameplay continues. An interesting aspect of this game is a lack of guarding or defense. It is not allowed. It is a self refereed game as well.